Movie Title : Iron Sky
Release Date : Jul 25, 2012 Limited Genre Movie :Action & Adventure,Science Fiction & Fantasy,Comedy
Mpaa Rating : R Actors :Julia Dietze,Götz Otto,Christopher Kirby,Udo Kier,Peta Sergeant,Stephanie Paul,Tilo Prückner,Kym Jackson,Michael Cullen
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Visitor Ranting & Critics For Iron Sky
User Ranting Movie Iron Sky : 2.9User Count Like for Iron Sky : 8,197
Critics Ranting For Iron Sky : 4.4
Critics Percentage For Iron Sky : 36 %
Trailer For Iron Sky
Review For Movie Iron Sky
Great idea, lousy execution: "Iron Sky" boasts one of the zaniest premises in recent memory, and somehow manages to squander most of its potential.Jeff Shannon-Seattle Times
In space, no one can hear you laugh either.
'Iron Sky' just proves that even the dumbest idea needs a smart mind behind it.
Tom Huddleston-Time Out
It's Nazis from space. Cult movie fans will basically know what to expect. It's just a shame it couldn't have been a bit better.
Catherine Bray-Film4
To its credit, while routinely stupid, it is playfully so - and it gets over the line through sheer force of charm. A "triumph of the will", if you catch our drift. (Sorry.)
Patrick Kolan-Shotgun Critic
Shock horror: hilariously terrible-sounding movie ends up being nowhere near as fun as you might hope. This does not bode well for my time-travelling monkey idea.
The film hasn't the budget to match its dizzying concept, nor the wit to fill the gaps between.
Despite some ill-advised turns of tonality, Iron Sky remains intriguing, submitting a lively sci-fi vision with a pronounced historical playfulness, keeping the feature eager to please and out to awe.
History tells us that you can't fake trash classics and you can't manufacture a cult.
Tara Brady-Irish Times
The jokes are spasmodic, as satirically weightless as playing golf on the moon.
Philip French-Observer [UK]
Re-watch the teaser trailer, skip the final production.
Sam Bathe-Fan The Fire
A space-ploitation brain fart.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray
Nazis on the moon! What could be more brilliantly bonkers than the lunatic premise of satirical sci-fi action comedy Iron Sky? Sadly, Finnish director Timo Vuorensola fails to make the most of his conceit.
Jason Best-Movie Talk
The space battle scenes are impressive, Julia Dietze is sexy and demure as the Nazi schoolteacher sent to Earth and there are genuinely funny moments.
Mark Adams-Daily Mirror [UK]
Lowballing schlock and nothing more.
David Jenkins-Little White Lies
Stylishly made with some terrific effects, Iron Sky also draws on everything from Star Wars to Dr Strangelove, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and a Sarah Palin-style US President in Stephanie Paul...
Graham Young-Birmingham Post
It's Nazis from space. Cult movie fans will basically know what to expect. It's just a shame it couldn't have been a bit better.
Madchens in tight blouses, space travelling stormtroopers, - was ist not to like?
Tim Evans-Sky Movies
Completely fails to deliver on its basic premise and is ultimately disappointing, thanks to a lazy script, poor performances and ham-fisted direction.
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon
Balls, that core factor found in the best political satires, is what Iron Sky is lacking.
Matthew Pejkovic-Matt's Movie Reviews
Let's face it: it's Nazis from the Moon invading Earth in flying saucers, if you're expecting anything other than abject absurdity, you're in the wrong movie.
Tim Martain-The Mercury
Marginally more inspired and certainly more likable than Snakes on a Plane or The Human Centipede as net-spawned exploitation fodder goes, but you can safely wait for the DVD.
Mike McCahill-Guardian [UK]
Movie Images Iron Sky
Movie Overview For Iron Sky
In the last moments of World War II, a secret Nazi space program evaded destruction by fleeing to the Dark Side of the Moon. During 70 years of utter secrecy, the Nazis construct a gigantic space fortress with a massive armada of flying saucers.TagLine Iron Sky We come in peace!
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