Movie Title : Ferlinghetti A Rebirth of Wonder
Release Date : Feb 8, 2013 Limited Genre Movie :Documentary
Mpaa Rating : Unrated Actors :Lawrence Ferlinghetti
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Visitor Ranting & Critics For Ferlinghetti A Rebirth of Wonder
User Ranting Movie Ferlinghetti A Rebirth of Wonder :User Count Like for Ferlinghetti A Rebirth of Wonder :
Critics Ranting For Ferlinghetti A Rebirth of Wonder : 5.9
Critics Percentage For Ferlinghetti A Rebirth of Wonder : 64 %
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Review For Movie Ferlinghetti A Rebirth of Wonder
His contribution to the culture of American letters is undeniable, and City Lights -- the store and the imprint -- could well be the closest thing to a literary shrine that we possess.Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor
With Americans' civil liberties under constant threat, it's comforting to know that Ferlinghetti is still with us.
V.A. Musetto-New York Post
This biography is often effusive in its praise, but some lives and legacies were meant for a tribute.
Daniel M. Gold-New York Times
Sadly, the film gets mired in traditionalism, something the man himself always railed against.
Joe Neumaier-New York Daily News
This affectionate documentary doesn't do full justice to its important subject.
Frank Scheck-Hollywood Reporter
Maybe it's time to mandate a preliminary aptitude test for documentarians, just to weed out the uninspired time-wasters.
Joshua Rothkopf-Time Out New York
A loving tribute to a man who taught my generation to worship art rather than mammon.
Christopher Felver is too reverent to properly convey the invigoratingly profane, angry messiness of the sense of community that Lawrence Ferlinghetti and his peers too briefly brought to life.
Chuck Bowen-Slant Magazine
Loving documentary about one of the greatest, and still wonderfully extant, poetic and political forces of our time.
David Noh-Film Journal International
A tribute to poet and publisher Lawrence Ferlinghetti as a creator and nurturer of wonder.
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat-Spirituality and Practice
Movie Images Ferlinghetti A Rebirth of Wonder
Movie Overview For Ferlinghetti A Rebirth of Wonder
The poet and painter, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, is among the world's living monuments to arts and letters. For well over a half century, Ferlinghetti helped shape the currents of poetry and literature with his forceful engagement with society and an ideological position that often found him at odds with the political currents of his day. Ferlinghetti's quiet, behind the scenes demeanor and disarming mien may have assuaged, or even fooled, certain opponents, while in reality he was a literary mercenary, a rebel at the forefront of our own cultural revolution.TagLine Ferlinghetti A Rebirth of Wonder
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