Watch New Greedy Lying Bastards with HD Movie Format

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Hurricane Sandy. Wildfires in the West. "Brown-Outs" in the East. Farmers losing crops to the worst drought since the Dust Bowl. Climate change is no longer a prediction for the future, but a startling reality of today. Yet, as evidence of our changing climate mounts and the scientific consensus proves human causation, there continues to be no political action to thwart the warming of our planet. "Greedy Lying Bastards" investigates the reason behind stalled efforts to tackle climate change despite consensus in the scientific community that it is not only a reality but also a growing problem placing us on the brink of disaster. The film details the people and organizations casting doubt on climate science and claims that greenhouse gases are not affected by human behavior. From the Koch Brothers to ExxonMobil, to prominent Senators and Justices, this provocative exposé unravels the layers of deceit threatening U.S. democracy. -- (C) Official Site

Movie Title : Greedy Lying Bastards
Release Date : Mar 8, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Documentary,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : PG-13
Actors :Dr. Kevin Trenberth,Dr. Michael Mann,Mike Petkash,Maria Petkash,Bill Brown,Daniel Siers,Angela Roach,Pieter Tans,Craig Scott Rosebrau...,Jim Sipes,Kirk Maddux,Mark Goudy,Kent Maddux,James Hansen,Fred Singer,Kert Davies,Dr. Pat Michaels,James Hoggan,Christine Whitman,Mark Serreze

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Visitor Ranting & Critics For Greedy Lying Bastards

User Ranting Movie Greedy Lying Bastards : 3.8
User Count Like for Greedy Lying Bastards : 517
Critics Ranting For Greedy Lying Bastards : 6.2
Critics Percentage For Greedy Lying Bastards : 69 %

Trailer For Greedy Lying Bastards

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Review For Movie Greedy Lying Bastards
As much as it hopes to incite outrage and to stir a complacent body politic into action, [it] never quite rises to the level of urgency the subject requires.
Bruce Demara-Toronto Star

A blistering attack on politicians, propagandists, dissemblers and other climate-change deniers.
John Hartl-Seattle Times

The film's effectiveness largely stems from the flat-out lameness of the opposition arguments, the lack of scientific credentials of those making them, and the self-interest of their corporate bosses.
Ronnie Scheib-Variety

Filmmaker Craig Scott Rosebraugh seems to take a kind of perverse glee in hauling out the worst offenders among what he calls the climate change deniers for public shaming.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

What's next, "Big Oil Is Full of Meanies"?
Kyle Smith-New York Post

The film makes its case well. The problem, though, is it seems a bit late.
Tom Long-Detroit News

If ever a documentary needed Michael Moore's ability to debunk the rich and powerful in his inimitable sardonic style, it's here.
Jeremy Aspinall-Radio Times

It is a splenetic, satiric attack on the formidable PR forces, spurious thinktanks and talking heads being mobilised in the US to attack the idea of man-made global warming.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]

If you like being hectored, preached at and told you're wrong, then this is the film for you.
Adam Woodward-Little White Lies

Craig Scott Rosebraugh delivers an informative if somewhat self-satisfied expose of climate change deniers, explaining exactly where they get their funding from and how they are determined to dupe the public despite the devastating consequences.
Katherine McLaughlin-ViewLondon

This film is an awful warning and awful fun at one and the same time.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times

A fiery doc that undermines itself with pub-bore polemics.
Patrick Peters-Empire Magazine

... thorough in its revelations, and thoroughly depressing on how the world has been thwarted in this important attempt to heal itself. The film is intent on putting on notice all the "guilty" parties that deny the dangers of climate change...
Elias Savada-Film Threat

...tragically falters whenever director Craig Scott Rosebraugh inserts himself into the proceedings and allows his personal ax grinding to overtake journalistic impartiality.
Jamie S. Rich-Oregonian

The title says it all.
T'Cha Dunlevy-Montreal Gazette

The well-intentioned film includes plenty of statistics and makes its stance clear, but the familiarity of the subject matter decreases its impact.

An entertaining expose of the industry-paid deniers and how they continue to muddle the climate-change "debate."
Sean Means-Salt Lake Tribune

Not the most eloquent "outrage doc."
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

Provocative, vital and enraging. It goes further than An Inconvenient Truth.
Avi Offer-NYC Movie Guru

Rosebraugh's arguments are sound and his heart is in the right place, but his execution is self-defeating.
Leah Churner-Austin Chronicle

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Movie Overview For Greedy Lying Bastards

What happens when an industry has too much power? "Greedy Lying Bastards" presents a searing indictment of the influence, deceit and corruption that defines the fossil fuel industry.


TagLine Greedy Lying Bastards


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