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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

TO THE WONDER tells the story of Marina (Kurylenko) and Neil (Affleck), who meet in France and move to Oklahoma to start a life together, where problems soon arise. While Marina makes the acquaintance of a priest and fellow exile (Bardem), who is struggling with his vocation, Neil renews a relationship with a childhood sweetheart, Jane (McAdams). Bold and lyrical, the film is a moving, gorgeously shot exploration of love in its many forms. Written and directed by Terrence Malick.(c) Official Site

Movie Title : To The Wonder
Release Date : Apr 12, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Drama,Romance
Mpaa Rating : R
Actors :Ben Affleck,Olga Kurylenko,Rachel McAdams,Javier Bardem,Tatiana Chiline,Romina Mondello,Tony O'Gans,Charles Baker,Marshall Bell,Casey Rogers Williams,Jack Hines,Paris Always,Samaria Folks,Jamie Conner,Francis Gardner,Greg Elliot,Michael Bumpus,Lois Boston,Danyeil Inman,Bobby Davis Horsley

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Visitor Ranting & Critics For To The Wonder

User Ranting Movie To The Wonder : 3
User Count Like for To The Wonder : 6,647
Critics Ranting For To The Wonder : 5.6
Critics Percentage For To The Wonder : 43 %

Trailer For To The Wonder

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Review For Movie To The Wonder
What is most affecting is Malick's intent. He plainly devised the story to give him a series of panels for the expression of feeling.
Stanley Kauffmann-The New Republic

The movie plays like an undercooked pie that hasn't had enough time to cool and settle.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

Essentially it's an agglomeration of Malick's worst stylistic annoyances.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

A thing of great beauty, but not much more.
Bill Goodykoontz-Arizona Republic

We should not be exiting a Terrence Malick movie with a shrug, but there it is.
Richard Roeper-Richard

Chary of exposition, meagre of plot, derisory of dialogue, indifferent to comprehension, it's a project that veers perilously close to self-parody.
Michael Posner-Globe and Mail

Mesmo que apresente-se irregular, é suficientemente sensível e revelador para fazer jus à filmografia do diretor.
Pablo Villaca-Cinema em Cena

In its conventionally alienating extremes, this is probably Malick's most pure expression of his uniquely impressionistic, almost extra-sensory cinematic gifts, transporting one to a meditative wavelength of emotional experience.

At times the film actually feels like a parody of an arthouse movie rather than a work produced by a director often unjustly described as a cinematic genius.
Jim Schembri-3AW

With its florid narration, non-linear structure, and endless shots of a woman in flowing skirts twirling in fields, on beaches, and in supermarket aisles, it's dangerously close to being a parody of a Malick movie.
Eric D.

"To the Wonder" is an imperfect film that perhaps reaches too high and too far, but I admire the effort, and am grateful for those moments when Malick does connect, and the film suddenly becomes glorious.
Rob Thomas-Capital Times (Madison, WI)

To the Wonder feels like a caricature coveting Malick's previously towering pieces of visual art. However there's more refined, contemplative poetry in this relative misstep than in a hundred Hollywood studio films.
Blake Howard-2UE That Movie Show

Terrence Malick's vague, sweeping ode to love lost and found is anything but wondrous.
Ed Gibbs-The Sunday Age

With its pale colour palette, the film looks like whimsy, but without the humour. The characters move slowly, as if slowed by the weight of their thoughts and emotions. It's as if Malik is showing us what it would be like to be a ghostly observer
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile

There is some glorious imagery in Terrence Malik's elusive and poetic film about love, but this internal observation is far too obtuse and self-indulgent to satisfy even the most romantic
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

If you give yourself up to it, you'll be carried along-not knowing where you're going, and never really minding much either.
Will Leitch-Deadspin

Its ambitions might be slight, but its impact is more than slightly powerful.

Dialogue is reduced to impressionistic snatches and self-consciously poetic voice-over; the impressive cast have nothing much to do but exchange meaningful looks through windblown hair.
Keir Roper-Caldbeck-The Skinny

To the Wonder is built from shattered hearts, broken relationships and unanswered prayers, all better long since forgotten rather than pondered on film, yet again...
Tim Cogshell-Alt Film Guide

Terrence Malick is to light as Orson Welles was to shadow: the master.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Indisputably comes off as a minor work on the heels of Malick's The Tree of Life but still holds enough of interest for the initiated.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing

Malick succeeds in creating his a separate reality, one drenched with longing and fear.
Boo Allen-Denton Record Chronicle (TX)

Trying to hold onto any part of it is like trying to catch meringue in a baseball glove.
Lawrence Toppman-Charlotte Observer

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Movie Overview For To The Wonder

An adult Kevin Arnold reminisces on his teenage years spent growing up during the 60s. As he goes from adolescence to adulthood, he experiences, along with his best friend Paul and sometimes-girlfriend Winnie, the full range of trials and traumas that come in just about everyone's life. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher {}


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