Movie Title : This Ain't California
Release Date : Apr 12, 2013 Limited Genre Movie :Documentary,Sports & Fitness
Mpaa Rating : Unrated Actors :Christian Rothenhagen,Mirko Mielke,Renè Falk Thomasius,Titus Dittmann,Patric Steffens
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Visitor Ranting & Critics For This Ain't California
User Ranting Movie This Ain't California : 4User Count Like for This Ain't California : 124
Critics Ranting For This Ain't California : 7.8
Critics Percentage For This Ain't California : 100 %
Trailer For This Ain't California
Review For Movie This Ain't California
"This Ain't California" offers a vivid immersion in the hidden skateboarding culture of the former East Germany.Jeannette Catsoulis-New York Times
A trove of home videos, vintage commercial and propaganda footage and black-and-white animation dress up this energetic if somewhat unfocused look at the birth of skateboarding in the German Democratic Republic.
Sara Stewart-New York Post
Combines vintage Super-8 footage, re-creations, cheeky asides (a lesson on how to do an ollie!) and middle-aged guys reminiscing ...
David Fear-Time Out New York
Martin Persiel's splendid "documentary" could well be subtitled "And It Ain't the Truth."
Ernest Hardy-Village Voice
Even knowing the artifice, it's an excellent and extremely enjoyable film. Indeed, knowing the artifice, it's way more impressive ... However true it isn't, it's a lovely evocation of what might have been.
CJ Johnson-ABC Radio (Australia)
Prize-winning documentary paints an affecting tale of young GDR rebels on wheels, but is marred by a busy, self-conscious aesthetic approach.
David Noh-Film Journal International
A masterpiece of editing and re-creation resulting in one of the most enthralling stories of the year.
Christopher Campbell-Film School Rejects
What the director is perhaps aiming for is a documentary of feeling rather than historical accuracy...the filmmaking is so accomplished that any potential notions of being hoodwinked can be forgiven.
Kevin Jagernauth-The Playlist
While the film is deeply romantic and nostalgic, possessing a genuine reverence for youth and rebellion, it's also something of a tragedy.
Drew Hunt-Slant Magazine
Movie Images This Ain't California
Movie Overview For This Ain't California
This Ain't California is a celebration of the lust for life, a contemporary documentary trip into the world of roller boarding in the German Democratic Republic. A coming-of-age tale of three teenagers and their passionate love for a sport on the crumbling tarmac of the streets in the German Democratic Republic, which was considered very ill-fitting. The punk fairy tale is a story of the subversive powers of fun in that part of Germany, which had lost touch with its citizens. The film follows its three heroes from their childhood in the seventies through their teenage rebellion in the eighties, ending in the last summer of their life in the German Democratic Republic in 1989, when their life changed forever, and follows them to 2011.TagLine This Ain't California
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