Movie Title : My Dinner with André
Release Date : Oct 11, 1981 Limited Genre Movie :Drama,Comedy
Mpaa Rating : PG Actors :Wallace Shawn,Andre Gregory,Jean Lenauer,Roy Butler
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Visitor Ranting & Critics For My Dinner with André
User Ranting Movie My Dinner with André : 4User Count Like for My Dinner with André : 6,058
Critics Ranting For My Dinner with André : 7.3
Critics Percentage For My Dinner with André : 90 %
Trailer For My Dinner with André
Review For Movie My Dinner with André
The dining duo struggle with words between bites, groping for a recipe summoning the meaning of life. And in a movie that redefined as a surprising and inventive enduring classic, both leading man requisites and filmmaking conventions.Prairie Miller-WBAI Radio
(It) is a downright transgressive film because it brazenly allows its characters to just talk. Actually it allows Andre to talk and, just as importantly, for Wally to listen.
Christopher Long-Movie Metropolis
... an intellectual bull session as cinematic performance piece...
Sean Axmaker-Turner Classic Movies Online
What makes the film so intriguing and so beguiling and so utterly wonderful is the way it slowly reveals itself, uncoiling in ways that don't produce dramatic fireworks, but rather gradual realizations
James Kendrick-Q Network Film Desk
For the few film freaks who still wear the "intellectual" epithet proudly rather than ironically, My Dinner with André is a religious experience...with a side of potato soup.
Joseph Jon Lanthier-Slant Magazine
But what an egg it is.
Joseph Jon Lanthier-Slant Magazine
Louis Malle's film was unique and exceptional in 1981, and it's still fairly unusual. It's a lesson in the value of listening and squeezing riches about humanity out of the swag of talk
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile
Witty, urbane, original and very dated.
It's all talk, most of it interesting.
Gerry Shamray-Sun Newspapers of Cleveland
Like watching paint dry, only less entertaining.
Ken Hanke-Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)
Movie Images My Dinner with André
Movie Overview For My Dinner with André
Wallace Shawn and Andre Gregory, apparently playing themselves, share their lives over the course of an evening meal at a restaurant.TagLine My Dinner with André
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