Watch New What Maisie Knew with HD Movie Format

Monday, September 30, 2013

A contemporary reimagining of Henry James' novel, WHAT MAISIE KNEW tells the story of a captivating little girl's struggle for grace in the midst of her parents' bitter custody battle. Told through the eyes of the title's heroine, Maisie navigates this ever-widening turmoil with a six-year-old's innocence, charm and generosity of spirit. R

Movie Title : What Maisie Knew
Release Date : May 3, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Drama
Mpaa Rating : R
Actors :Onata Aprile,Steve Coogan,Julianne Moore,Alexander Skarsgård,Joanna Vanderham,Sadie Rae Lee,Jesse Spadaccini,Diana Garcia,Amelia Campbell,Maddie Corman,Paddy Croft,Trevor Long,Emma Holzer,Nadia Gan,Samantha Buck,Anne O'Shea,Malachi Weir,Ellen Crown,Jessica Miano Kruel,Zachary Unger

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Visitor Ranting & Critics For What Maisie Knew

User Ranting Movie What Maisie Knew : 4
User Count Like for What Maisie Knew : 10,178
Critics Ranting For What Maisie Knew : 7.7
Critics Percentage For What Maisie Knew : 88 %

Trailer For What Maisie Knew

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Review For Movie What Maisie Knew
Sensitive and almost unwatchably perceptive about dysfunctional families -- and it's acted with knife-sharp precision.
Cath Clarke-Time Out

The film is touching, filled with taste and care, but not enough to avoid being coy and sentimental.
David Thomson-The New Republic

On the surface, this indie does sound like standard-issue material, but its dynamics are far more complex than its simple exterior.
Randy Myers-San Jose Mercury News

What Maisie Knew gives the audience a ground-eye view of its mesmerizing title character, a plucky, charismatic New Yorker who navigates downtown bars and building lobbies with the street savvy of a pro.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post

The result is a film that deeply engages us on multiple levels. Not only do we wonder what Maisie knows and how she knows it, we want to get this seedling to a place where she won't have to be transplanted every day.
Carrie Rickey-Philadelphia Inquirer

It's a study of human nature, not at its worst, but at its most typically pathetic, and it goes to show that the more things don't change, the more they stay lousy.
Mick LaSalle-Hearst Newspapers

A superb, moving film, it's a tribute to author Henry James that his 1897 story could prove so illuminating when adapted for the 21st century. Performances throughout are terrific, seeped as they are in guilt, resentment and confusion.
Jim Schembri-3AW

The filmmakers, Scott McGehee and David Siegel, seem not at all intimidated by Henry James's formidable prose.
Gerald Peary-Arts Fuse

Some scenes are tinged with dark comedy; some are heartrending; and some fuse the two, as when Maisie comforts a tearful friend during a sleepover in Susanna's huge Manhattan townhouse, while the delinquent grown-ups indulge themselves downstairs.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

[Onata Aprile's] tremendously-believable on-screen spirit reminds us how resilient children can be.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail

What Maisie Knew runs its titular, newly-orphaned moppet through so many heartbreaking scenarios and encounters, I was stirred to start drawing up the adoption papers myself.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

This accomplished film is closer to Kramer vs Kramer or middle-period Woody Allen than it is to James. But that is no bad place to be.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

Even though this drama is based on a 115-year-old novel, it feels powerfully timely today in the way it recounts events surrounding a particularly grim divorce.

Vanderham and Skarsgård put in career bests; Moore - and this is really saying something - hasn't been this impressive since Safe.
Tara Brady-Irish Times

[A] beautifully acted, thought-provoking drama that skilfully updates Henry James's little-read 1897 novella to the modern era.
Christopher Tookey-Daily Mail [UK]

A rather sentimental, precious tale, and the important sense of Maisie growing up and learning about the world and its failings doesn't come through.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]

Handsomely shot and stopping just short of cloying sentiment, this is an accomplished, engaging work.
David Gritten-Daily Telegraph

Whenever Moore is off screen - the only character with size-10 oomph - the film risks evaporating altogether. Moral: it isn't that easy to modernise Henry James.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times

Impressively directed and superbly written, this is a powerfully emotional and strikingly perceptive drama with excellent performances from a note-perfect cast.
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon

McGehee and Siegel never find a way to really get inside Maisie's head.
Oliver Lyttelton-Little White Lies

An intimate story of repeated betrayal, five terrific performances get this movie over some rocky terrain, including a pat resolution.
Siobhan Synnot-Scotsman

With brilliant performances from Julianne Moore and newcomer Onata Aprile, this touching portrayal of a marriage breakdown is at times an uncomfortable watch as it focuses its attentions on the child stuck in the middle.
Sarah Hunt-Film4

The young Aprile is a standout in a moving, hard-hitting and surprising adaptation of the Henry James novel.
Anna Smith-Empire Magazine

Seen through the eyes of a six-year-old, this film about the spectre of divorce makes for haunting viewing indeed.
Alice Tynan-Limelight

If anything, Maisie as a character is a little too indefatigable; once in a while, you'd love her to throw a huge screaming tantrum and let her wretched parents know just what children they're being.
CJ Johnson-ABC Radio (Australia)

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Movie Overview For What Maisie Knew

Based on the Henry James novella, the story frames on 7-year-old Maisie, caught in a custody battle between her mother â€" a rock and roll icon â€" and her father. What Maisie Knew is an evocative portrayal of the chaos of adult life seen entirely from a child’s point of view.


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