The comedy This Is The End follows six friends trapped in a house after a series of strange and catastrophic events devastate Los Angeles. As the world unravels outside, dwindling supplies and cabin fever threaten to tear apart the friendships inside. Eventually, they are forced to leave the house, facing their fate and the true meaning of friendship and redemption. (c) Sony R
Movie Title : This Is the End
Release Date : Jun 12, 2013 Wide Genre Movie :Drama,Action & Adventure,Horror,Comedy
Mpaa Rating : R Actors :James Franco,Jonah Hill,Seth Rogen,Jay Baruchel,Danny McBride,Craig Robinson,Michael Cera,Emma Watson,Mindy Kaling,David Krumholtz,Christopher Mintz-Pl...,Rihanna,Martin Starr,Paul Rudd,Channing Tatum,Kevin Hart,Aziz Ansari,Samantha Ressler,Douglas M. Griffin,Lauren Graham Visitor Ranting & Critics For This Is the End
User Ranting Movie This Is the End : 3.8
User Count Like for This Is the End : 142,812
Critics Ranting For This Is the End : 7.1
Critics Percentage For This Is the End : 84 %
Trailer For This Is the End
TagLine This Is the End Nothing ruins a party like the end of the world.
Review For Movie This Is the End
The film is more guileful than it looks, even though the narrative is nuts ...
Anthony Lane-New Yorker No comedy classic, then, but a good natured and engaging slice of goonish self-mockery.
Tom Huddleston-Time Out ... the movie definitely struck a chord with the crowd I saw it with ... (with) a climax that brings bromance back ...
Glenn Kenny-MSN Movies This Is the End, true to its subject matter, is as funny as hell.
Dana Stevens-Slate Crass, flimsily plotted, and self-referential to the point of narcissistic personality disorder. For those willing to tolerate such defects, however, it is also very, very funny.
Christopher Orr-The Atlantic Though This Is the End drags slightly here and there, the filmmakers keep it interesting by making the personal relationships dynamic, and the movie redeems all that is self-referential and self-congratulatory about it with a warmth of spirit.
Mick LaSalle-Hearst Newspapers ...runs on some delicious self-critique.
Josh Larsen-LarsenOnFilm The best thing about This Is the End is playing "spot-the-celebrity" in the early frames. Do this, and you'll find everyone from Jason Segel to David Krumholtz. If all that talent were put to better use, the film might have been worth watching.
Forrest Hartman-Reno Gazette-Journal That Rogen and Goldberg make one of the Backstreet Boys' more annoying yesteryear hit singles something you giddily sing along to is a measure of just how on point the satire is--that, or that it truly *is* the end of the world.
Michael Dequina-TheMovieReport.com Enjoyable, time-killing piece of throwaway Friday-night pap... It's broad, stupid fun that, against all odds, ends up coagulating into an actual story with a point.
Jim Schembri-3AW ...a very savvy send up of the way we perceive celebrities as vapid and self-involved ciphers who are so often flattered and coddled that they come to accept applause as their due.
Philip Martin-Arkansas Democrat-Gazette If your tolerance for druggy banter and puerile sex gags is low then the idea of facing Armageddon with Rogen and his chums will probably strike you as hell.
Jason Best-Movie Talk At its best it's a film about people getting lost in the fiction of their own creations.
Luke Buckmaster-Crikey If you're familiar with their previous films, you'll be laughing often and laughing loudly.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane If Fast and Furious 6 was stupid in the bad way, This is the End is stupid in the best and funniest way.
Tim Martain-The Mercury An elaborate in-joke and everyone's in on the gag
Cameron Williams-The Popcorn Junkie It's a giant Hollywood in-joke, but one that invites you to share in the laughter.
Tom Glasson-Concrete Playground One of the funniest films of the year so far.
Matt Neal-The Standard A funny self-aware critique of the actors' indulgences - along with several violent deaths, demonic monsters and dick jokes. There are lots of dick jokes.
Thomas Caldwell-Cinema Autopsy This is the End is one of the most fun movies I've seen in ages. It's a silly extravaganza, a huge bunch of nonsense, but, boy, it's entertaining ... This film is one big in-joke, but it's a very good one.
CJ Johnson-ABC Radio (Australia) Never reaches the heights of earlier collaborations Superbad and Pineapple Express. However, it has a belligerent, depraved, coked-up Michael Cera, and that is a treat unique to this film and this film only, so it's certainly worth your time.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix While bewildering for those unfamiliar with the Judd Apatow clan, for fans, this raunchy, daring and gleeful comedy comes up trumps.
Cara Nash-FILMINK (Australia) The Is The End feels throughout like a feature-length inside joke, but Rogen and company are generous enough to let the audience in on the gag.
Nathan Rabin-The Dissolve The juvenile ribaldry flies fast and furious ... culminating in a finale as bizarre and whacked-out as I've seen in a while. They're swinging for the fences here.
Eric D. Snider-EricDSnider.com A crude, rowdy, self-indulgent buddy-movie mash-up travesty about the end of the world, in which smoking weed, ejaculation jokes, exorcism & a decapitated head kicked around like a soccer ball are par for the course
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile Rogen and Goldberg make the jump to directing with this riotously self-referential apocalyptic comedy.
Rich Cline-Shadows on the Wall Movie Images This Is the End

Movie Overview For This Is the End
While attending a party at James Franco's house, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel and many other celebrities are faced with the apocalypse.
TagLine This Is the End Nothing ruins a party like the end of the world.